
Letters - a written adventure

Created by 5am Games

A heartwarming coming of age story about finding the right words.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The last day!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 08:57:32 PM

Hey friends! 

Today is the very last day of our Kickstarter. As we're writing this, we have less than 18 hours to go! ⏰ 

First of all, we wanted to thank you again for your absolutely amazing support. I mean, we not only got Letters funded, we also cracked the first stretch goal in only one day! That's unbelievable! 😍 So we WILL put character costumization in the game. Pat yourself on the back. Very well done, everyone! 

We also revealed the second stretch goal: a Nintendo Switch port! 😎
So if that is something you're interested in, share the campaign with your friends and spread the word so we can make it happen.
💚 Let's put Letters on the Switch! 💚

This will probably the last Kickstarter update you'll get from us before the campaign is over. We don't want to spam you after all.
If you want more updates and information, please head on over to our social media channels. We will be posting the whole day, until the campaign is over! 😁

No matter if we reach the stretch goal or not, we are super happy with how the Kickstarter went. You all blew our minds with your support! Thank you sooo sooo much! 🧡💛💚💙💜

And please don't hesitate to contact us should you have any questions, comments or concerns.
You can either do that on here or our social media.

To all our Swiss backers: Two of team Letters will be at HeroFest today. So please say hi if you see us. We would love to meet you!

Also, try our little personality quiz!
There you can find out which Letters NPC you are.

We love you all, let's make this last day count!
All the best,
Aleksandra, Martina & Selina

Add-on and PayPal survey
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 08:56:47 PM

Hi everyone! 

We hope you had a great weekend, we definitely did :-) We still can't believe you got us 121% funded! You're the best community one little game studio could wish for <3

We keep getting questions about the possibility to add enamel pins, t-shirts or stickers to the pledges. Also some of the people interested in our game can't use Kickstarter's payment methods and are asking about a PayPal option.

There are a couple of companies who could help us to manage these Add-Ons and PayPal support even after our Kickstarter campaign is over. We though that we would ask you - our lovely backers - first and then decide if this make sense for us or not.

Please, fill out this form and tell us what you think:

All the best,
Aleksandra, Martina & Selina

over 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 11:41:53 AM


We did it! Together the Letters-family raised $24,200 in 30 days to bring Sarah’s story to life.
Not only did you support the game financially, you also helped us spread the word and had our back through all of this exciting journey.

We will keep you informed here on Kickstarter on how the game is coming along and if you like you can also follow us on social media for more frequent updates.

We’ll also get back to you with a little survey to be able to send you all the rewards and things like that.
But now let’s enjoy our success for a moment, give yourself a pat on the back and know that the three of us are very grateful for your support.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! You are all amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 💚💚💚

Talk to you soon!
All the best,
Aleksandra, Martina & Selina

over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 06:17:50 PM

Hey friends!

As you might have seen: 🎈🎈🎈 LETTERS GOT FUNDED!!! 🎈🎈🎈
We are ecstatic. Thank you all so much. Your support was unbelievable! So let’s all pat ourselves on the back because we - all together - kickstarted Letters!!! 💚

But that doesn’t mean we will stop spreading the word! We still have more than 30 hours to go and there is still that lovely stretch goal we’d like to reach.

We would love to have character customisation in the game and we hope you would be interested in that too. So let’s keep going! 💪
Let’s make use of these last few hours and get that extra 1’200 CHF!

To all our Swiss backers: Two of team Letters will be at HeroFest on Friday. So please say hi if you see us. We would love to meet you!

Also, try our little personality quiz!
There you can find out which Letters NPC you are.

We want you to know that you are the most amazing backer family we could ever wish for! We are grateful for your support and we hope to create a game that you’ll love.
🎈🎈🎈 YOU ARE THE BEST!!! 🎈🎈🎈

All the best,
Aleksandra, Martina & Selina

Stretch goal reveal!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 05:26:18 PM

The last 2 days have begun!

Our backers-family is now 459 people strong! 😍  We almost reached our goal, there's not much missing. Let's keep it up! 💪

You all got us 98% funded so we thought it’s time to reveal our first stretch goal:

If we manage to get CHF 22’000 together, we can make Sarah customizable! So if you want to give Sarah a little makeover, this stretch goal is for you!
Change Sarah’s hair color & skin tone and choose a new color palette for her outfit. 🎨

So if you’re interested in that, help us spread the word or increase your pledge so we can reach this stretch goal!

Also we wanted to give you a quick update on how the portraits will look like if you back the “Lovely Clone” (CHF 300+), “One of us!” (CHF 500+) or “Producer” (CHF 1000+) tier.  Our artist Selina drew these lovely portraits of us as an example. Take a look:

The three tiers are limited but there are still a few slots left if you want to change your pledge and get your portrait drawn. 😍   We hope you like them as much as we do!

Thanks a lot for all your support, we couldn't wish for a better community! ❤️

All the best,
Aleksandra, Martina & Selina